EMDR therapy in Palm Beach County

EMDR therapy in Palm Beach County

Moving to the next level of success and fulfilment in life can be difficult at times. Whether you feel like you’re stuck in a small storm or overwhelmed in a tsunami there is hope and help for you and your family. If its time to shift the balance back as you “grow in life with focus”, LIFE FOCUS COUNSELING, COACHING & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. can provide assistance with the positive changes you seek. 

EMDR therapy in Palm Beach County is a powerful and effective intervention for promoting psychological health and well-being, often achieved in a time-frame much briefer than traditional therapy or counseling. Utilized in conjunction with imagery and relaxation techniques, EMDR therapy in Palm Beach County facilitates the processing of traumatic information and memories without the need for lengthy ‘reliving’ of past events.

Many clients report significant to complete remission of symptoms with EMDR, when other treatment approaches have failed to provide them with adequate relief. We are sensitive to the myriad of trauma-related issues, and work gently with clients to promote health, adjustment, and optimal functioning.

Positive therapeutic results with EMDR therapy in Palm Beach County have been reported with a wide range of populations that include clients who suffer from; anxiety, panic disorders, PTSD, victims of violent assaults, war veterans, excessive grief, sexual assault, survivors of accidents, phobias, chemical dependency and other addictions.

Phone: 561-329-4455- 772-403-5844
Email: info@lifefocusfl.com

EMDR therapy in Palm Beach County